Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Love Quotient

This valentine go SentiMental ….
This valentine treat your skin so that it glows….
Feel the Love in the air…..
What are your plans for this valentine?? ……..
Statements like these were booming on the air waves on every radio channel, while I was browsing through them traveling on bus to work yesterday.People surely know to cash in the madness associated with the valentine day.For a person, trickling through the quasi static traffic of Bangalore is a punishment bad enough, and for a single man listening to this sort of gibberish while doing that, is nothing short of torture.I turned off the radio for good, and played Hanuman Chalisa on my cell phone, I thought, its better to indulge in some devotion rather to get more irritated. And who is better than Lord Hanuman (bachelor for life) to distract ones mind from love-shove rubbish.
Sadly this Love Bug came chasing me later in the day. When I have to attend a meeting whose theme was Love Quotient. I couldn’t escape reality this time; I had to ruminate on the sorry state of affairs in my life.
So what exactly is this Love Quotient?? I guess it is like IQ, while IQ is a reflection of ones intelligence, LQ is the reflection of ones ability to understand love and the complications associated with it. Unfortunately there is no standardized test for quantifying this.
Where do I stand as far as LQ is concerned? I pondered …
Well my understanding of Love is pretty abysmal. I never understood the Paradox associated with Love & Friendship.
As far as general norm goes you can't fall in Love unless you are friends with the opposite sex, and there is another conflicting norm that state if you are good friends then you qualify for "Friends For Ever” category where it is deemed inappropriate to garner such thoughts. So, one will have to go through the whole process again with different person, with apparently the same results next time.
For me Love without friendship is like building without foundation. Is my understanding correct? I don't know
Are there two ways of befriending girls, type one where there is a possibility of the relationship going to the next level and type two where such thoughts are not entertained?? I don't know …The very thought of becoming friends with a girl with an intent for something more (hidden agenda) revolts me, falling in love should be a natural process. Is it really??
In my opinion, one has to know the other person thoroughly, in order to be serious about him/her, and that can be achieved only by becoming good friends. Again this is just a theory, never tested by me ... so not sure about this also.
Is there an optimum point in friendship where it’s appropriate to move it a notch up, or on the similar lines is there a point of no return, where it becomes impossible?
Well I think I won't know the answers until I experience this Love thing on my own. Or could any of you educated guys/gals could give me pointers to my qualms and clear my elementary concepts at least.
Till then I humbly admit that I seriously lack LQ.

Coming Back To Life...

It’s some twenty months since I had written my last blog, it would be gross understatement if I say my life has changed upside down and turned on its head by 360 degrees since then. Actually it’s changed more than that.
Why did I just let this forum slip away is a mystery to me also, I guess there was no room for creativity left in those roller coaster months of mine.
I have come back with an intend to stay put this time with firmer resolve to update the blog on regular basis and perhaps with more amount of understanding, greater skill sets as far as knowledge of words goes ( took my GRE recently) and more experiences to share.
Wish me luck!