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TM_Project 5_LOVE_ALL

Life is like a tennis match, you will get returns only if you serve well. And everyone begins with the same score LOVE ALL.Mr Toastmaster, Fellow TM and guests.
For a single man like me the above quote is only ray of light in a dark tunnel.
LOVE All, my static score since the time I felt the need to increase it.
Every time, when I tried, I was the only player remaining on the court while other player, some unique and beautiful specimen of fairer sex left, before the match could even begin.
Today, I am sharing such three such "miss"-matches with all of u.

I played my first match in the posh premises of Infy Mysore during my training days.She was ultra stylish and whenever she entered the classroom she managed to turn heads. Her eyes were chocolaty brown; whenever her eyes meet mine I felt sweetness and warmth flow out of them, which drowned me in sea of happiness. Our chats on messenger were becoming personal gradually.
My hopes which were on rise everyday were dashed ruthlessly one fine day.
It was late in the evening; I was working on my assignment after my daily dose of ECC which included Gym, swimming and steam. I was looking fresh and full of energy with my hair neatly parted, as usual.
She entered, her chocolaty eyes met my eyes, and we smiled. She started to make her way towards me. After reaching near to me she said.
"You are looking like a cute kid, today I feel like running my hand through your hair".
I was speechless, my reaction was :O
After waiting for my nonexistent remark for few seconds she left. I was fuming, but I don’t know whether I was angry at her for calling me a kid, or not doing what she said she would do.
Anyways she thought I looked like a kid! I was doomed!

The venue of my next match was a little noisy and err… a bit shaky as well - Karnataka Express from Bangalore to DelhiShe came like a wind and sat opposite to me. The first thing that struck me was she wasn’t carrying any luggage, something that I quickly forgot looking at her more closely.
She seemed perfect epitome of damsel in distress. Her eyes were swollen and were red like cherries. She was staring constantly outside the window with a poker face. Her hair were dancing to the rhythm of breeze which was gushing in; she made no efforts to tame them.I was pretending to read a novel. But all the time I was trying to glance at her through edges of my book.
After reading 2 whole paragraphs in some 2 hours, I finally gathered courage.
"Hi I am Aniket"
She looked me as if she was seeing me for the first time. It took her sometime to respond. And once she did, the next 20 hours seem to melt away, we talked talked and talked.
From college exploits to bollywood scandals, from weather to election results.
I was on seventh heaven, was this love at first sight?
All too soon, her destination came. I innocently asked for her number and contact details. To that she replied she was running away from her home, to get married to her love something which was opposed by her parents, hence she had no number that she could give and she left.

My most recent match took place during my last project in Bangalore.
She was the star attraction of our team. The whole team really took care of her, whenever she was faced with some error or ABEND in her code, the whole team gathered around her and removed those with great dexterity.
The days she wore white, wow, she looked like a lilly on a cold misty morning, with dew settled on its petal like pearls. Such delicate arrangement by nature, that one is afraid to even touch it.To carve a niche in her life was difficult, but somehow I succeeded, from few mails exchanged in a day , to sustained conversation on communicator , we made steady progress. But the only medium that seem to enter a girls heart now a days is the electromagnetic radiations that are emitted by this device.
And unfortunately I can’t handle this device at a stretch for more than 15 minutes. One fine day she was in a good mood and wanted to talk forever. But soon we reached a point where we both were saying the same thing
"And, now you tell me"
"No you tell me"
"Noooo , you only tell me"
I was thinking ‘say something’, ‘say something funny’, ’no say something smart and funny’.
I ended up telling her about Obama’s economic policies and how they are going to affect Indian IT industry.
Which I admit was neither smart nor funny.
The calls stopped immediately, the pings died gradually and mails became extinct in few weeks.
From these and many other such incidents, I have learnt that it’s wise to play the waiting game. It makes sense to wait for someone who likes the way you are, doesn’t mind things like, you looking young or your inability to talk smooth on phone.
In other words look for a player who appreciates your natural game.
Till then let it be LOVE ALL.
Over to you Mr Toastmaster.


arjun said…
hey da,
nice to read frm u again.and this time u made it quiet interesting.i think i know 2 of them.but i guess u tried 2 very diff damshells .My advice 2 u is wait for somebody to come n not rush in to anybody.
all th best!!!!!!!!!!
Abhishek said…
Interesting ....
BTW the second incident... did it really happen...
And the third thing abt talking on mobile phones... that is really the bane of people like us
Aniket said…
yes da .. talking on phone is such a trouble ..
nopes 2 incident was just figment of my imagination
but 1 and 3 are true
Bhavna said…
Hey really nice one..
u told me of first n last bt whn the 2nd incident happend...

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