This Mail Pretty Much summerizes my feelings on closing of one of the most memorable Chapters of My life .
Hi All,
It has been 864 days that makes it 3110400 moments of being an Infoscion.
These moments were like a roller coaster ride of emotions and experiences.
Starting with intense wonder (Mysore Experience), total joy of completion of training,
I believe in no other organization could have come close to providing these many avenues to experience life, along with many opportunities to lose weight and stay fit (GYM , swimming pool and steam bath were charming too :) ).
Today on the last day of my first innings in Infy, I feel getting sucked in the a vortex of simmering memories.The affect is drowsing and dazzling both at the same time.
It would be wrong on my part to say that I became top notch IT professional, gained hoard of technical stuff, in these two years.
In fact that would be a bare faced lie.
All I can say that I transformed from a small city simpleton to…..well still a simpleton who knows to wriggle out of corporate mess.
I thank each one of you from bottom of my heart. You have helped me achieving this transformation in one way or the other, and making this ride memorable.
My biggest sense of achievement would be if I touched your heart in some way or the other. I always have strived to make people smile around me, expect my Managers and TL’s, who generally end up crying :).
In that process if my PJ’s and stupid comments irritated you, please acknowledge that it was done with best of intentions.
I am off to pursue higher education, partly due to the fact I have been instructed by my family to gain masters before losing bachelors.
But I strongly urge you all to keep in touch, my personal email id is, also I have my presence in e world through Orkut and Facebook.
Warm Regards
Aniket Bhatt.