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Buy My Book

This was part of our assignment in the class.

We had to come up with adverstisement of an imaginary book that we wrote , and speak for 2 mins.


Have you heard something like this from your friends?

“Hey you know what, I got a super deal from Wal-Mart, the chair you bought for 70 $, I got it for 7$”.

U smile and say, How nice, but on inside u r thinking “what the hell”.

Well not anymore, I bet u don’t have to worry about these situations anymore.

After you read my book “The essentials of super market”.

I am Aniket, and once like you victim of super markets, always getting bad deals , mocked by my friends and buying stuff that I never used , just because , it was on Sale.

Then one day I said to myself Enough!!! .

I got down to uncovering truths about these supermarkets. I did odd jobs; like salesman, watchman, even janitors in these stores to understand there working.

I went through their catalogs, from point of their inception, to really understand their pricing model. I scanned newspaper to chart their sale seasons.

In short I collected a huge amount of data , then by using latest forecasting tools ,developed by professors at Harvard Business school , I came up with theories that’s gives definitive answers.

Like ; When is the best time to buy an Item and from which store. Which items should be avoided at all costs.

In short how to become a smart and assured shopper.

For example, I wouldn’t recommend buying shoes until fall.

These tricks of trade have worked with my friends; they have helped me validate my theories and in process saved quite a bit of money.

I can give their numbers so that you could talk to them.

What are you waiting for? Shop smart, save large. Essentials of super market is there to help you.


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