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Showing posts from 2016

High Stake Meal

Jack dived into the sea with sudden violence. He had spotted a fish just a few seconds earlier. His aim was true; he emerged out of the water with a struggling flapping fish in his beak. It was Jack’s first fish in nearly 3 days. He had been patrolling the sea for miles relentlessly without any luck. His wife Trilla has recently given birth to little Gil and Leo. Young sea-gulls are particularly ravenous in their initial days. Jack and Trilla had their work cut out for them. Unfortunately for them, the fish stock seems particularly depleted this year. It was unprecedented; millions of seabird families had been gathering on this island for many years and nobody recalls such shortage. Jack knew he should head straight for the nest but pangs of hunger had better of him. He swooped down to a small rock jutting out of the sea and laid the fish to nibble on it. Just as he was contemplating which part of the fish he should eat; there was a terrible screeching sound from above, w...