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High Stake Meal

Jack dived into the sea with sudden violence. He had spotted a fish just a few seconds earlier. His aim was true; he emerged out of the water with a struggling flapping fish in his beak.

It was Jack’s first fish in nearly 3 days. He had been patrolling the sea for miles relentlessly without any luck. His wife Trilla has recently given birth to little Gil and Leo. Young sea-gulls are particularly ravenous in their initial days. Jack and Trilla had their work cut out for them.

Unfortunately for them, the fish stock seems particularly depleted this year. It was unprecedented; millions of seabird families had been gathering on this island for many years and nobody recalls such shortage.

Jack knew he should head straight for the nest but pangs of hunger had better of him. He swooped down to a small rock jutting out of the sea and laid the fish to nibble on it. Just as he was contemplating which part of the fish he should eat; there was a terrible screeching sound from above, which muted the sounds of breaking waves. Jack to his horror realized that two hawks, attracted to his dinner were descending upon him.
Jack took to the air in a flash. 

These hawks were opportunistic hunters; they were expert in snatching fish from successful hunters. Jack knew he was in trouble; he was no match against these mighty birds. He started flying erratically, rising in spirals and then diving steeply.

The hawks were not outmaneuvered by these tactics, they closed the gap with Jack. One of the hawk managed to scratch Jack's back. A jab of pain pulsed through Jack's body. 
Jack clung to the fish; faces of his family flashed in front of him, strengthening his resolve. He made a decision. He did a 180 degrees flip in the air and he flew towards the hawks with his feet drawn in front of him. This move completely threw them off; they moved away from the determined gull.

Jack took advantage of their momentary disorientation. He flew with all his might towards a family of flying gulls. His bet paid off; by the time hawks were ready to continue their pursuit, they had lost their target, among flock of flying gulls.

After making sure he was not followed, Jack broke off from the group and headed for home.
As he neared his nest, a terrible sight awaited him.

He quickly swooped down to his nest and dropped the fish in it.
“Trilla, we are in deep trouble; I just saw a huge snake making his way up the tree. I am sure he wants our chicks.”
Trilla was shaken; she was about to congratulate Jack on his successful hunt.
“What shall we do? Our chicks are far too small and delicate to carry them in our beaks”, she responded.
“Let us see what can be done”
Jack and Trilla took to the air diving along the tree.
In a few seconds they were on to the snake. He was a monster, almost 10 feet in length, jet black in color with menacing look in his eyes. Jack was sure he was looking at a cobra. The cobra was slithering along the tree’s bark getting closer and closer to the chicks.
Boldly Jack and Trilla started pecking at him.
In response to this aerial attack, the snake coiled around the branch and kept his neck in an upright position. His forked tongue kept darting in and out his mouth. He started swaying his head closely tracking bird’s movement. Gulls were finding it difficult to carry on with their attack; they didn’t want to get bitten by the snake.

Jack sensed that this is going to be a long haul with no surety that the cobra won’t come back at an inopportune moment, when they are not around to protect their chicks. He devised a plan.

“Keep him busy, I will come back in a few minutes, don’t let him near the nest”, he said to Trilla.
“Are you kidding me?” he heard his wife say as he made his way back to the nest.
He literally snatched the fish from his chicks and took to flight yet again.

He flew the in straight line towards the sea. His eyes scanning the skies with anticipation. In a few moments he spotted them. The hawks were still patrolling the sky for food. Within no time they spotted Jack with almost untouched fish in his beak. They started after him. Jack anticipated this; he quickly turned around and employed his best flying skills to stay just out of their reach. He was flying in zigzag motion all the while changing his altitude as if riding a wave. The hawks were unrelenting flying just few feet behind him.

As he reached his nest, he could see Trilla was still keeping the cobra busy. He dived almost head long towards cobra and dropped the fish on the top of his head.

“Clear away”, he screamed at Trilla.
The hawks came sweeping down in a flash. They were elated with sudden bonanza. They thought they had a fish and now almost a 10 feet snake was at their disposal.
There was a lot of screeching and hissing. Without missing a beat one of the hawks used his talons to dislodge the cobra from the tree. The cobra was dangling awkwardly in the air. He spat his venom unsuccessfully at his attackers. In no time the hawks ripped the snake into two pieces; each hawk carrying its own share.

Jack and Trilla saw this scene from a safe distance. Both breathed a sigh of relief. Trilla quickly retrieved the discarded fish. Both made their way back to their nest. The chicks were waiting for their parents in confused state. Both chirped in great enthusiasm on their return. The gulls started finally on their meal in peace.


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