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The Human Junction

Filthy , dirty , stinking and overcrowded ; images that occur to us when somebody mentions about the Indian Railway Stations.
But in my opinion, a lot can be learnt from them if we just be receptive enough to look for them. The Railway Platform is like a huge canvass where one can find all the hues of human emotions mingling with each other and forming a brilliant masterpiece, which is a miniature representation of our society itself!
I got to observe this masterpiece during my break journey to home this time around. I had two hours to pass on Itarsi station, before I could board the connecting train to Allahabad.
Refused to be bound by the ennui of the first class waiting room, I ventured out for a midnight stroll on the platform.
The images offered by the railway station were as usual - vivid and diverse!. One could observe myriads of human emotions and behaviors, all brimming in a small place.
Few that I could discern were. -
The expression of happiness lit up the faces of dear ones, who met after a long duration; the trains play an important part in reuniting family & friends!
The confused look borne by the passengers, whose tickets were not confirmed! They kept running helter-skelter & waited for the earliest opportunity to flank the TT & bombard him with their anxieties, contrary to the stoic stance taken by the TT, who resembled a boxing match referee, while standing in the middle of the pandemonium, which was created by disgruntled waiting list passengers
The tired hungry faces of the porters, as they looked onto the approaching trains with expectations of passengers bringing tons of luggage for them to carry!
The constant babble from the platform vendors creates a ubiquitous background in every corner of the station.
The echoes of “Chai!! Chai!!”.. is invariably the strongest association of station in our memories. Their frantic attempts to allure prospective customers are an indicative to their desperation.
The endurance of Indian passengers as they wait for their trains to arrive is world renowned, they bring all the essential items with them and make themselves at home while their trains keep getting delayed.
The look of intense disappointment in the eyes of a father, caught my eye, while he was trying to pat his son to sleep, who was lying on the platform. His heart must have pained to see his son sleep in such an ungainly predicament, but he was helpless.

Then there are homeless people whom the railway station tends to soak in its vast enormity, they are present at every nook and corner of the station where it is even remotely feasible to lie down. They are always found sleeping in their dirty rags, their sleep which is oblivious to the confusion all around them, seems peaceful.

The sad demeanor of the poor trash pickers is heart rendering, their condition seems abject as they scavenge around for treasure in heaps of trash all around. Their empty and hollow eyes gleam only at the sight of uncrushed plastic bottles, which they carefully stow away in their sacks.

The nonchalant countenances of some brave souls are also noteworthy! These fellows like to get down at every stop for a drink or to eat or just to stretch their legs, and they always prefer to give the train a start before boarding it, stretching their sojourn on the platform to the very last minute, as if boarding a static train is a lowly act, which is to be avoided at all cost. (Unfortunately I also belong to this species of foolhardy ruffians).

If I had an opportunity to observe myself on that day, I would have seen a bemused passenger who realized at the very last moment, that his confirmed railway ticket is a day old, and is running around from one officer to the other with the hope of finding a loophole in the rules, that don’t allow traveling by a day old ticket, and somehow bribe his way through.!


Balaji Sharma said…
There, you said it bugga. Nothing says India better than a desi Railway station. Represents every minutest detail of the colourful collage that is India. From the downtrodden homeless to the filthy rich who can buy their way through.. from the local chaiwallahs and idliwallahs to the highbrow food in AC 1st class compartments, you can find the whole spectrum there.

Couldn't have put it any better. Need more.

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