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A debate to remember

There was a debate in our college in class 12 "Female sex of any species is stronger than male"... Two colleges participated SJC (boys) and SMC(girls)..As the topic was interesting huge crowd turned up...
It was very interesting and informative..
Many examples were quoted for and against the topic...
For the support of females the examples give were
  1. Helen launched thousand ships
  2. A specific kind of lady bug who after laying eggs eats its male counterpart
  3. The girls getting special treatment in schools and coachings show that they have the power
  4. Lioness are the one who provide food to male lion
  5. Hitler was driven By his mother's infidelity with a Jew to start World war 2
  6. Cleopatra single handedly threatened the Rome empire.

The points against the topic were

  1. Females are too emotional
  2. They are not fit for stressful job
  3. They need some one for their protection always
  4. Physically they are not as apt as males.

After the debate I pondered over the topic and I realized the debate though very informative and interesting was pointless.

Their is absolutely no way to compare a male and female of any species on mental or physical grounds.

According to me the female sex of any species is GREATER than its male counterpart..

It is the role they play in the society where they give rise to life and nourish it makes them far more important and greater than males...

It is the way we are trained in our lives that results in the individual that we are... A girl can be physically stronger than man if she is trained well enough... She could be also trained handle stressful jobs, taking care of her children and husband is stressful enough. They are also capable of taking care care of their families and earning bread for their loved ones.

As far as world war and troy is concerned they where result of male ego and driven by political reasons nothing to do with female sex being stronger and all.

Undoubtedly female sex has been given greater role to play in the society.. They are in one way or other responsible for behavior of all the males in the society.

Their influence on us as mother is pivotal to our personality. As a wife she is the one that is incharge of her husband's life .Men can go to any length to keep the females in their life impressed and happy.

These makes the role of female sex more greater and responsible in any society.


Seeking Clarity said…
I'm stunned! It's one thing for a guy to acknowledge women and their strength and treat her equally. I always believed it's another thing (and a greater thing) altogether to respect her for everything that she can and does do- everyday. I agree with you- debates where women must argue to prove their worth- in history and in the present- are ridiculously sad. The fact that women still have to argue with men over this is so sad to me. Kudos for writing this one.
Neha said…
Eggjactly!!! ;)

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