Tuesday, April 04, 2006

TV Times

In present Indian society TV has became the main driving factor in people lives.. Gone were the days when families went on picnics and strolling through gardens .. it has become increasingly tough to accomodate these activities into hectic schedule of TV..The schedule is so hectic that it is difficult for all the members of the family to live harmoniously without fighting for the remote atleast once in a day..
I am so sad so say that this runs in my family also..me once upon a time ,victim of this diesease.

Especially the "star pariwar" i feel present a disgraceful picture of indian society and the indian women...
Many will say that these serial show women more powerful and dominating so it is good.But between the illicit affairs,the plans of sabotage,the mind games and "ekta kapoor" knows what not ,these good qualities of women becomes second fiddle..
Almost all the serials involves a huge tycoon family with their many millions, they will have equal number of secrets and problems. Big Bungalows as big as stadium ,women in expensive sarees(they are supposed to be at home for Gods sake) with huge amount of makeup plastered onto them , conspiring to bring down a rival family ...
Tell me how many people can identify with such setting ,it is most ridiculos in a country with most of the people stuggling to make both ends meet..
Then after the prime time is over the endless discussions about with whom the female protoganist will go and what is going to happen next ....is just so hopeless.....

1 comment:

Supz! said...

Just too good!!!
i too feel d same wen m ignored at ma place.. :'(