From ancient times man has always belive in a superpower as a explaination to unexplained.The thunder, the lightning ,the life ,itself was to complicated for ancient man to come up with a logical solution other than existance of a GOD.One would expect that now we have the proper scienctific explanation to every thing the need of God should be lessen, or atleast the need of religious rituals could be done away with..But on the contrary the need and requirement of God has risen with the rising economy..Now we have to bribe our way through temple ,to avoid never ending ques, to get glimpse of God..and we hope that HE will look after us..afterall we just spent whole lot of money and time on God...I belive that God is needed as a diversion in people's life ,a sink where people can pour their anxiety and complains..HE is not required to show us the way..We know when we are doing wrong and we know that we should do good and all..but when the need is there we still do the wrong things ,rarely we stop to think that whether this activty is religous or not...Or after doing "unreligious activites" we tend to do all kind of religious activities seeking forgiveness ,to make our afterlife better?.I think not ! we do these things so that we dont have to suffer the result of our wrong doing in this life,and feeling less giulty, fully knowing that we are ready to repeat those act when need arises..("bus is bar maf kar do")We are brought up in such a way that we dont challenge the religious coustoms around us and participate in them they are part of our life we cant discard them..We come across people who bleive in existence of God and some of us who dont , i for one want to belive that God exists and some day he take care of my petty little life......
It's a pretty popular walk from Chamonix (France) to Zermatt (Switzerland). In winters, it becomes a cross country ski route, but in summer, it transforms to a hiking route, which traverses through pretty high elevation, hence its called Houte Route (High Route). Unlike backpacking in the US, this backpacking was supposed to be much easier, as we were basically staying in hotels/dorms, and we didn't have to carry tents, sleeping bags, and food. But, we were surprised how hard some of the hiking days were. We were a group of 6 friends. My wife (Mona) and I were the most "untrained hikers"; others in our group were more committed and better prepared than us. We expected to walk through Swiss meadows, mountain villages, hi-fi ing cows along the ways. Even though some days were exactly like that, around 1/3 of the trails were very tough and tested us physically and mentally. Here is a very brief summary of our daily adventures on the trail. Day 1 : Chamonix ...
now if as u say gods were created by man because of the awe inspired by nature,shouldnt most religons whose geographical origins vary ought to have different guidelines...? "The fear of GOD is the beginnning of wisdom"....most major religons today proclaim the same set of principles....all of them talk about a life after death...something which is not tangible...yet percieved..not by one or two but by many,sans borders,sans cultures....
rituals would seem meaningless today because when they were introduced during the infancy of was largely not many of us would have the patience to sit down and ponder over why and what is being done...."patience is a virtue".....
seeking forgiveness would imply humility on our part,salvaging our pride,and fearing HIM....this is a direct effect of the moral law...if as u said we were fully ready to do the same thing when the need arises even though we know that it is wrong ,it implies that we are helpless as we either cannot find an alternative course of action or we are too afraid to face the consequences of using an alternative course of action or we just cannot resist the pleasure that our current action gives any case, we find ourselves unable to move away from this wrong.In essence we become slaves of our own is prayer and devotion to god which does make us realize this
GOD is not a diversion but a necessity,if not for our concience the world would have been us.
for those who think that god does not exists ponder
"ask and you shall recieve,seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you"